Updated May 23, 2018

What data does this website handle and/or store and for what purposes?

Your Data Related to My Email List
When you sign up for my email list, this website uses a third-party service called MailChimp to collect your name and your email address. (MailChimp’s privacy policy.) MailChimp stores this data and I use it to send messages to you as promised when you signed up for my list. I will never rent or lend my mailing list (and, thus, your data) to anyone. You can unsubscribe from my email list at any time, by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any message sent to my email list. Or email me directly at elka@elka.works, and I will remove you.

Your Data Related to My Services, Workshops, or Courses
When you purchase services or enroll in a workshop/course, this website uses a third-party service called PayPal to process your transaction. (PayPal’s privacy policy.) I never see or collect and of your credit card information. I do receive your email and phone number, which I use to communicate with you about the service or workshop/course. I do not automatically add you to my email list.

When you participate in my services, workshops, or courses, I may collect personal information via email in the form of PDF intake and/or enrollment questionnaires to help me deliver my individual and group offerings. For example, I ask all new clients to complete an intake questionnaire where they reflect on their life and goals. Personal data shared in questionnaires are held in confidence. Questionnaires are not handled by this website. They are shared between us by email. If you prefer, you may share questionnaire reflections via regular mail instead of email.

Your Data Related to Facebook Advertising
This website uses the Facebook pixel as part of occasional Facebook ad campaigns. The pixel tracks when Facebook users visit this site from links in Facebook ads. This website and its Facebook ads administrator(s) do not have access to individuals’ Facebook user data.

This Site Uses Cookies
This website and the third-party services named above all use cookies. Cookies are tiny bits of code stored on a user’s computer and are standard practice for most websites. The cookies used by this website provide analytics on website traffic — site visitors’ IP addresses, geographic location, browser version, referring websites, and popular content. I use this information to have a general understanding of my customers so I can ensure this website delivers an optimal experience.

You can adjust your browser settings to disable the use of cookies. These settings are usually found in your browser’s preferences.

By using this website, you agree to these policies.